School Calendar

The school calendar will generally follow that of the San Luis Coastal Unified School District. We also offer an 8 week summer school session. We are closed two weeks before the start of school in the fall. Prior to the beginning of the school year, newly enrolled children will receive a home visit from one of the child’s teachers to help the child anticipate the new experience. You and your child are always welcome to visit the school. Please call to arrange a time for a tour.

Parent Opportunities

The UMCC provides a variety of opportunities in which parents may participate. Four special parent groups include:

  • The Parent Discussion Group which meets twice a month, for a topic or book discussion. Child care is provided for a fee.

  • We have two great fundraisers each year and we participate in the SLO Holiday Parade, and do a Holiday Giving Project. Parents help organize these great events.

  • A “Daddy and Me” and “Mommy and Me” class which each meets on Saturday mornings three times a year.

We encourage parents to bring a nutritious snack for the class once a month and invite the parents to join their child’s class that day for the snack they brought.

Twice a year we have Saturday workdays. The parent help is so appreciated and terrific! (Your child may “work” beside you)

The UMCC Committee, our governing board, includes parent representatives. We appreciate parent input, suggestions, and assistance at any time.

Amazon Smile

Attention Amazon Shoppers! Did you know that you can help UMCC just by shopping? When you shop online through, 5% of your total purchases will be donated to UMCC. To shop online, please visit

  1. Log onto and “select a charitable organization to start shopping.”

  2. Search for “United Methodist Children’s Center” in San Luis Obispo and choose us as your beneficiary.

  3. When shopping on Amazon, you must always FIRST go to and enjoy shopping, while helping the UMCC!